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This module wraps the repository which handles the session DTOs.


Creates a new session for a user. Given the data for a new session, checks if the database contains that user, if the password matches and, if it does, creates a new session on the non-relational database and returns its ID as a Base64 encoded string that should be stored on a cookie.
Takes a Base64 encoded session token and transforms it back into a MongoDB ObjectId, if possible.
Recovers a user’s session from the non-relational database, given a previously generated token. The token must be the actual ID for the session object on the non-relational database, encoded as Base64. If it was found, returns the Session object with the session information that was stored.
Removes a user session from non-relational database, given a session token. The token must be the actual ID for the session object on the non-relational database, encoded as Base64. If it was found, remove it altogether from the non-relational database.